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The Flipped Classroom

The flipped classroom of having students learn material on their own in a self-directed manor, while incorporating collaborative activities during classroom time reflect andragogy more than the typical approach of the common classroom/homework relationship.

“The value of a flipped class is in the repurposing of class time into a workshop where students can inquire about lecture content, test their skills in applying knowledge, and interact with one another in hands-on activities”(EDUCAUSE).

Students must adapt to self-directed learning, where they can learn at their own pace, and focus on certain topics longer than others if need be. When returning to the classroom, students are more prepared to engage in group activities and continue to share information.

There are some concerns around the accuracy of information available, the student and the teacher’s technological literacy as well as student’s motivation being maintained so they do not fall behind.

For teachers, this is an excellent model to encourage self-directed learning, and to keep students engaged though active learning. The idea of this concept sounds great on paper but to actually implement a Flipped Classroom will take much longer to prepare and maintain than the current notion of delivery. “Out-of-class and in-class elements must be carefully integrated for students to understand the model and be motivated to prepare for class (EDUCASE). Over time we will find out whether this new idea is worth the extra effort and if the benefits outweigh the costs.

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